Tuesday 9 July 2013

Why Anthony Robbins Divorced His Former Wife Becky Robbins ?

I am great fan of Anthony Robbins. In his Awaken the Giant Within, he is all-praise for his former wife Becky. In 2002, while browsing net, I came to know that Anthony divorced Becky and married his girl friend Sage. I was shocked to hear it. How a person who teaches the world to forge relations can divorce his dream wife? In a fit of rage, I emailed one-liner question to Tony on October 11, 2002. The one-liner was: 
“What became of your first wife…Becky? You divorced her?”
Anthony Robbins, on October 21, 2002, replied me in detail. Here’s what he said:

“Dear Muhammad,
Thank you so much for your e-mail. First, I want to apologize for this belated reply. My intense seminar and travel schedule, along with my business and family responsibilities, have taken a big bite out of my time. However, I wanted to respond personally and acknowledge the time you took to think of me.
I’ve worked for years to create and present the most innovative, entertaining, and empowering materials possible. However, I know my technology is worthwhile when I receive notes
from people like you who are not only emotionally touched by my work, but more importantly, are taking action on what they’ve learned. To know that in some small way I’ve made a difference for at least one person and that I have helped them to begin to create the quality of life they truly deserve is what drives me most.

I appreciate your interest in my former marriage. The strategies I share with my audience to guide them on the path to more fulfilling relationships are based on my own personal experience and the knowledge I have gained from working with people from 80 different countries for more than a quarter of a century. Relationships are one of the single most important areas of our lives and one of the greatest opportunities for fulfillment or pain. The secret is making certain the person you select shares your values and vision. Some relationships cannot continue to be fulfilling because the two people have different visions for their lives or have learned to value different things.
While I offer many tools for enhancing relationships, I have never led my audience to believe that the path to a successful relationship would be to stay in a relationship where after deep, honest communication and soul searching both people discover that they do not share the same life vision. Any relationship can be made to work, but when people’s values and life directions are extremely different they must compromise. Continuous compromise means a compromised life for both parties. That is when difficult decisions need to be made.
Deciding to end my relationship with my former wife Becky was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. I am extremely proud of our 14-year relationship. When I entered the marriage at the age of 24 I immediately embraced the responsibilities of being a father to a 17-year-old son, an 11-year-old daughter, and a 5-year-old son. I remained in that marriage until my children were grown and I realized that I did not share a life vision with my former wife. At that time I chose to take the necessary actions to pursue a life in which I could be more fulfilled. Sometime later I met Sage, my lovely wife, whom I met coincidentally through a business relationship, and married a year later. We have been together for a blissful two and a half years.
Again, thank you for taking the time to write, and your patience in receiving a reply. My desire and invitation to you now is that you continue to expand the quality of your life by committing to the philosophy of CANI-Constant and Never-ending Improvement. By doing so, I believe that you will create a life of lasting fulfillment for yourself and for those you care about.
I look forward to our paths crossing again soon. Live With Passion!
Warmest Regards,
Anthony J. Robbins
Chairman of the Board”

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